Why is Serg Gubecka the RECOMMENDED AGENT in Kawana Waters?
Experience and longevity, Serg is the longest serving real-estate agent in the Kawana Waters area.
Highly professional, coupled with a powerful results driven approach Serg Gubecka is a proven achiever known for his outstanding attention to detail and client satisfaction.
He brings honesty with a straight forward manner combined with thorough market knowledge, maturity and negotiation skill to the sale of every property he represents.
Serg has extensive experience and superb understanding of the Local real estate market. His knowledge has been gathered from over two decades in the real estate business as a principal/ licensee, premium sales agent and auctioneer.
Being a great communicator with a passion for Real estate Serg enjoys working with people and applies all of his efforts to ensure he delivers outstanding service that rises above and beyond all expectations. Serg has worked in the Kawana Waters area for his entire real estate career. (Over twenty years) He knows many of the locals not only because they have bought homes from him but because he is involved in surf life saving, as well as the Kawana waters swimming club. He is the most experienced & longest serving agent in Kawana Waters. So for the right advice coupled with absolute professionalism, integrity and a fresh approach to real estate call the RECOMMENDED AGENT in Kawana Waters.